Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24, 2010

Today I had a good day and I have a lot of homework. Does Lena has  have a lot of homework, Amy?
Today we did a art proguct project it was fun. Do you know what we de did?  I will tell you, we cut out the a paper cooke cookie then we colored the cooke it. We cut out another paper and we writen  wrote are our stuff things that we like to do. I am going to tell you what I wrote, I like to ride my long board, I like to ride my bicycle, I like to play we with my friends.
I know that it my words sounds funny but I am still learning English.
It is 7:28 p.m and I am still doing my homework. I am telling you  Homework is not fun at all. Tomorrow is early day and I am excited because we get out early. Wednesday is my best day. That's what I can think for of today.

1 comment:

  1. Your English is coming along very well. This is a great blog. You are awesome for keeping this for everyone to read. I see your background is Avatar. That is a great movie.

    Keep up the good work. You are a great kid!
